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Taking actions on Solana

Once a user has consented to delegated actions for their wallet, your app can take certain actions with the user's wallet.

Using @privy-io/server-auth

To execute a Solana RPC request with a delegated wallet, use the PrivyClient's walletApi.rpc method. As a parameter to this method, pass the request to execute with the wallet.

const request = {
  address: '4tFqt2qzaNsnZqcpjPiyqYw9LdRzxaZdX2ewPncYEWLA',
  chainType: 'solana',
  method: 'signTransaction',
  params: {
    transaction: ...insertTransactionObject,

const {data} = await privy.walletApi.rpc(request); 
const signedTransaction = data.signedTransaction; 

There are currently three supported Solana actions: signMessage, signTransaction, and signAndSendTransaction.

The request should be an object with one of the following sets of parameters:

addressstringAddress of the wallet to take actions with.
chainType'solana'Chain type of the wallet to take actions with.
method'signMessage'RPC method to execute with the wallet.
paramsObjectParameters for the RPC method to execute with the wallet.
params.messagestring | Uint8ArrayThe string or bytes to sign with the wallet.


If your app requests specific permissions, you cannot use the signMessage interface.

Using the REST API

To execute a Solana RPC request with a delegated wallet, make a POST request to:



In the body of the request, include the following:

addressstringAddress of the wallet to take actions with.
chain_type'solana'Chain type of the wallet to take actions with.
method'signMessage'RPC method to execute with the wallet.
paramsObjectParameters for the RPC method to execute with the wallet.
params.messagestringAn encoded string serializing the message to be signed with the wallet.
params.encoding'base64'The encoding format for params.message. Currently, only 'base64' is supported for Solana.


If the action is allowed, Privy will send the following fields in the response body:

method'signMessage'The RPC method executed with the wallet.
dataObjectOutputs for the RPC method executed with the wallet.
data.signaturestringAn encoded string serializing the signature produced by the user's wallet.
data.encoding'base64'The encoding format for the returned signature. Currently, only 'base64' is supported for Solana.


As an example, a sample request to take a delegated action with a wallet might look like the following:

$ curl --request POST \
-u "<your-privy-app-id>:<your-privy-app-secret>" \
-H "privy-app-id: <your-privy-app-id>" \
-H "privy-authorization-signature: <authorization-signature-for-request>" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "address": "4tFqt2qzaNsnZqcpjPiyqYw9LdRzxaZdX2ewPncYEWLA",
  "chain_type": "solana",
  "method": "signMessage",
  "params": {
    "message": "insert-base-64-encoded-message",
    "encoding": "base64"

A successful response will look like the following:

  "method": "signMessage",
  "data": {
    "signature": "base64-encoded-signature",
    "encoding": "base64"